The Journal of Murgia

1957 - Present

An Art, a Passion!

From the left Evangelista Martinelli father, to his right Francesco Martinelli son.

Our carpentry shop was founded way back in 1945 by Evangelista Martinelli, a skilled craftsman. After him, the business was carried on by his son Francesco and subsequently by his two sons, Domenico and Evangelista. Over the years, our joinery has specialized in the production of high-quality custom-made furniture. We use only the best materials and the most advanced techniques to guarantee exceptional results for every customer. Our passion for detail and commitment to excellence have made us experts in this industry. We are proud of our heritage of craftsmanship and are committed to offering unique, long-lasting products that reflect the essence of our work.


a pair of pliers and a pair of shears on a table
a pair of pliers and a pair of shears on a table

Our values

Tradition is an element of great importance, not only does it represent an artisanal practice, but it is a real cultural heritage to be protected and enhanced. Our carpentry follows these historical roots and is committed to preserving traditional techniques, the secrets handed down from father to son and the love for wood, which is the heart of our work. Thanks to our dedication to this tradition, we are able to create unique, high-quality pieces that tell the story and beauty of wood craftsmanship.

brown wooden frame on green grass
brown wooden frame on green grass


Our woodshop is committed to offering only high quality products. We use quality materials and adopt cutting-edge construction systems to guarantee maximum durability and functionality of our products.

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper


Our company is committed to creating unique products for each customer. Through our custom design process, we work carefully to understand each client's needs and desires, in order to create bespoke designs that reflect their unique personality and style. Every detail is carefully taken care of, from the choice of materials to the design of the details, in order to ensure that each product is truly special.